château de Beaujeu is located at 2 hours from Paris.
Directions from Paris:
Leave Paris from the Porte d'Orléans in the direction of Lyon,
Drive on the motorway A6 in the direction of Lyon for 79 kms,
Then, on the motorway A77 in the direction of Nevers for 110 kms.
Leave the motorway at the exit "Sancerre", exit n°24 ,
Take the RD4 in the direction of Sancerre to Sancerre,
In Sancerre take the D955 in the direction of Bourges for 1.4 kms,
Take the D923 on the right in the direction of Sens-Beaujeu for 3.5 kms,
Then take the D7 on the left for 6.5 kms to SENS-BEAUJEU.
In Sens-Beaujeu, after the fontain take the D74 on the left in the direction of Neuilly-en-Sancerre for 0.9 km.
At the bottom of the hill, on the right, the castle is at the end of an alley. |
-GPS details:
- Longitude: 0002,70503
- Latitude: 047,32345
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